Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Weekly Words Challenge


Pure Cane Sugar

100% Pure U.S. Grade A Clover Honey

I had a really hard time with this one. There is nothing that I regret. If I had to go back and do it all over again, I would make the exact same choices. If I changed even one thing, I may not be where I am now. And right here is exactly where I want to be. So, no regrets for me.
Thus I give you... nothing.

Want to participate in the Weekly Words Challenge? Tink's in charge, so visit her for detials.


Karen said...

I too chose cooking ingredients for pure. But your pictures are way better than mine!
I feel the same way about regret on most things.

Tink said...

I still really love the shot of nothing. Very clever.

Chatty said...

Oh, that's fantastic! And how wonderful to be able to say that you regret nothing and mean it!

Reb said...

Great shots, but regret is genius!