Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Weekly Words Challenge


I saw this bag floating in the wind the earlier this week. I grabbed the camera and got a few shots before I scampered off the get the bag to throw it away.

I love these wind chimes. Their music is absolutely beautiful.


Five of my most treasured rings:

My wedding band
My engagement ring
One of my grandmother's that was given to me when she passed - I love the delicacy of it
I received the ring with the amethyst on my 16th birthday from my aunt and uncle - amethyst is my birthstone
And an antique platinum ring - also my grandmother's

Telia and her son Draven. As well as baby Kira, who hasn't decided to show her face yet.

Telia's got five weeks left... if Kira decides to stay that long. We really think she's going to come early.


Fortune Cookies said...

nice photos! i love wind chimes too.

Karen said...

Oh the little boy kissing the baby belly is my favorite. Of course I always like the kiddie pictures!
Wind was hard, but the nice shot of the bag was a good idea for that picture.

Tink said...

Omg, that last picture makes my heart skip around in my chest. So sweet! I love the chimes and the fact that you chased a bag around. You rock.

Chatty said...

great wind chimes - beautiful presentation. And the last picture is just lovely...