Wednesday, March 26, 2008

USITT 2008

Prepare yourself, this one's kinda long...

We went to USITT last week in Houston and had a blast!

This is where we went on a tour of that Alley Theatre. Their scene shop is on the 14th floor and this picture was taken on the balcony. From left to right we have: Rob McLeod (the production manager at PlayMakers), the back of Eric (we all know and love him), Tony Rosas (the TD at Towson University), a little bit of Brandon Ingle (the ATD at Towson), and the side of Will Leonard (one of the ATDs at the Alley that gave us the tour).

Eric doesn't really like for me to take his picture, but I snuck in a few when he wasn't paying attention.

The chandelier at the Hilton where we were staying looked really cool. Here's a few pics I got of it.

And now downtown Houston.

I have no idea who these guys are, but they really wanted me to take their picture. They had obviously been sampling some of the 200 beers offered at the Flying Saucer.

Here is the pretty Kate, enjoying a beer and conversation at Molly's, the Irish pub we found.

And Bagley doing the same.

David and I discovered a game where you place a stack of beer mats on the edge of the table and try to flip and catch them all in one motion. We spent a great deal of Friday night playing this game. David got up to 50 mats at once... but I could only do 45 ::hangs head in shame::

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